baccaratset| ST Zhengtong (002197.SZ): The actual controller Zeng Shengqiang and his concerted actions pledged a total of 54.7243 million shares

editor Home 2024-05-07 7 0

May 7, 2024, ST Zhengtong (002197baccaratset.SZ) announced that Mr. Zeng Shengqiang, the actual controller of the company, made a statement on handling the de-pledge business of sharesbaccaratsetThe notice involved the release of 25 million shares.

As of the disclosure date of the announcement, Mr. Zeng Shengqiang, Ms. Xu Zhonggui, the actual controllers of the company, and their concerted parties have pledged a total of 54.7243 million shares, accounting for 35.20% of the total held.

baccaratset| ST Zhengtong (002197.SZ): The actual controller Zeng Shengqiang and his concerted actions pledged a total of 54.7243 million shares

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