texasholdempokerset| Zhonglian Jinan Insurance Brokerage Qinghai Branch received fines for failing to present customer notices to some customers

editor Current 2024-04-26 6 0

Financial front-line news on April 26texasholdempokerset, released on the website of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Administration AdministrationtexasholdempokersetAccording to the administrative penalty information disclosure form of Zoomlion Jinan Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. Qinghai Branch was ordered to make corrections, given a warning and fined 5000 yuan by the Qinghai Supervision Bureau for non-standard customer notification and failing to present customer notification to some customers.

texasholdempokerset| Zhonglian Jinan Insurance Brokerage Qinghai Branch received fines for failing to present customer notices to some customers

Dan Moufeng (then the main person in charge of the Qinghai branch of Zhonglian Jinan Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd.) and Zhao (then an employee of the Qinghai branch of Zhonglian Jinan Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd.) were warned and fined 5000 yuan respectively.