crashbandicoottwinsanityps2| A large amount of funds going south may lead to short-term blood loss?

editor News 2024-04-24 9 0

The biggest feature in recent days is the shrinking trading volume, the approaching May Day holiday and the lack of popular hot spots in the market. Technology and high dividend sectors are adjusted at the same time, the whole market is uncertain. The external market is unstable and short holidays may cause problems; Hong Kong stocks are strong and a large amount of capital flows south, which may lead to short-term blood loss. Hong Kong stocks have obvious advantages, cheaper share prices, exchange rate advantages, at least from the perspective of high dividends.Crashbandicoottwinsanityps2We are 30% taller.

After the holiday, there may be quarterly and annual reports of poor performance companies, and the share prices of some companies have plummeted after the quarterly reports. HKUST and Wanhua are long-term tracking companies with different performance, but the financial data can not reflect the pros and cons. The market shrinks, the theme hot spot drops, the index risk is not big, but the profit difficulty increases, suggests the appropriate rest and recuperation. Intensive reading of the annual report shows that some banking stocks and local banks have a strong trend, and some newly incorporated enterprises have a good trend. New enterprises may be included in the next year or two, which will be helpful to the adjustment of traditional industries and long-term followers.

crashbandicoottwinsanityps2| A large amount of funds going south may lead to short-term blood loss?

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